Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm all about restoring the principle of representation by population... least, to the maximum extent practicable (Northerners are always going to be represented proportionally more than the rest of us, and I don't begrudge them this), but I sort of have a problem with this being the top story on the Government of Canada's web page. This page should be for information relating to the government's executive functions; information related to bills its members are moving in the House of Commons should be confined to caucus home pages (except for that covered as a matter of course by the parliamentary website).

This isn't a new complaint, nor is it one specific to the Conservatives. I just chose this moment to make it.

1 comment:

Patrick Ross said...

It reminds me of Lorne Calvert using Senate hearings to campaign preemptively... against Stephen Harper. "Faireness for Saskatchewan," and all that.

It's rather unfortunate that the government of the day always seems to be able to use government resources (such as websites) to campaign between elections. I wish I could come up with some practical way of preventing this, but sadly, I cannot.