Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dept. of the World's Least Terrifying Bogeymen

Stelmach: voting for the WRA will benefit the Liberals.

Pop quiz: in how many Conservative-won ridings was the Liberal vote at least half of the combined Conservative/WRA vote (i.e. the minimum number that could possibly result in a Conservative/WRA vote split electing a Liberal) in the last election?

Answer: 22

How many of those were outside of Edmonton and Calgary?

Answer: 4. And three of those were St. Albert, Medicine Hat, and Lethbridge West.

So if 100% of the WRA's growth in the next election comes from the P.C.s (a dubious proposition, given the number of voters inclined to vote for the strongest available opposition party, especially in Calgary's current political climate),
and if voting patterns in the last election are a good indicator of voting patterns in the next election,
and if the PC-WRA vote is split in each riding in exactly the way that most benefits the Liberals,
then the Liberals will 31 seats in the next election. That's nearly half of what the P.C.s won in the last one!


1 comment:

"Steve Smith" said...

The full list:

Edmonton Glenora
Edmonton Mill Creek
Edmonton Mill Woods
Edmonton Rutherford
Edmonton Castle Downs
Edmonton Decore
Edmonton Ellerslie
Edmonton Manning
Edmonton McClung
Edmonton Meadowlark
Edmonton Whitemud
St. Albert
Lethbridge West
Medicine Hat
Calgary Bow
Calgary Foothills
Calgary Mackay
Calgary Egmont
Calgary Elbow
Calgary North Hill