Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My party can dehumanize criminals just as much as your party can, part 857

"We supported all of [the Conservative] crime legislation so I don't understand on what basis they would be [accusing the Liberals of being soft on crime] now, other than that it's their default knee-jerk position when it comes to the Liberal Party and crime."
- Jill Fairbrother, Liberal spokestype

And to how many of those pieces of legislation did the Liberals move amendments making it legal to shoot graffiti artists for sport? Yeah, that's what I thought. Softies.

1 comment:

Sean Tisdall said...

Just another fight between two liberal parties, one soft right and one hard right, on how to best punish those who violate their perceived economic social contract, little to no thought to holding up that which is good in people, including the offender.

Back to my banging the drum for "The most under-rated administration of the 20th century"(TM) Fulton, despite his embarrassing attempt to ban pulp comics in the 40's, was an excellent justice minister when it came to prison reform.

As Peter Newman said regarding prison reform, "the one group that arguably benefited most from the Diefenbaker government were criminals," though this was intended to be yet another addition to the litany of criticism, I find it high praise.